Saturday, September 3, 2011

What He REALLY Thinks about You, Relationships and Sex (2011 Great Male Survey)

Just when you thought you knew everything about men and relationships, the gents at AskMen released the results to their 2011 Great Male Survey. So, would the modern man dump you if you got fat? Date a woman who makes (more) bank? Pop a male birth control pill? Fake an orgasm? See what over 70,000 of 'em had to say:

Of the four choices listed below, which one is the most important personality trait when deciding if a woman's "relationship material"?

    - A sense of loyalty -- 35%
    - A sense of humor -- 22%
    - A sense of caring/nuturing -- 22%
    - Intelligence -- 21%

Is it important for a girlfriend to have "wife potential"?

    - Yes, I won't bother pursuing a woman who isn't a potential wife -- 31%
    - Somewhat, though I won't break up with her if I realize that she isn't -- 49%
    - No, not at all, I don't look that far ahead in my relationships -- %20

Do you believe in the institution of marriage?

    - Yes, I believe it is a necessary institution and one in which I will participate to help preserve -- 68%
    - Yes, I believe in it as an institution, but it is not for me -- 19%
    - No -- %13

How important is it to you that your wife/future wife to sign a prenup?

    - Very important -- 9%
    - Somewhat important -- 24%
    - Not very important -- %35
    - Not at all important -- 32%

If there were no chance of your partner finding out, how likely would you be to cheat on her?

    - Not at all likely, I might be tempted, but cheating violates my morals-- 34%
    - Not very likely, I might be tempted, but I love and respect her too much -- 36%
    - Somewhat likely, but I would feel guilty, nonetheless -- 20%
    - Very likely, she can’t be hurt if she doesn’t know about it -- 7%
    - I already cheat on her -- 3%

Do men get screwed by the courts in divorce?

    - Yes -- 79%
    - No, men and women generally get fair and equal treatment -- 19%
    - if anything, women are the ones who get screwed by the courts -- 2%

Of the choices listed below, which one thing would you change about your partner?

    - I am single -- 45%
    - Her attitude/moodiness -- 16%
    - Her looks -- 5%
    - Her nagging -- 5%
    - Her domestic skills -- 3%
    - Her intelligence -- 2%
    - Her sexual appetite -- 11%
    - I wouldn't change a thing -- 13%

Would you dump your girlfriend if she became fat?

    - Yes -- 48%
    - No -- 52%

How many dates should a man pay for?

    - All of them -- 16%
    - The majority of them until the relationship is established -- 43%
    - The majority of them for the duration of the relationship -- 23%
    - No more than the woman does -- 18%
    - None, the woman should pay for them all -- 0%

Have you ever read your partner's Facebook messages, e-mail or other electronic correspondence?

    - No, I respect her privacy -- 37%
    - Yes, but only with her knowledge -- 29%
    - No, but I would if I suspected she was up to something -- 16%
    - Yes, but only because it was open on her desktop -- 12%
    - Yes, I broke into her e-mail or messaging account -- 7%

If you had the ability to, would you track your partner's physical movement (with GPS implant, for example)

    - No -- 83%
    - Yes, but only if she didn't know about it -- 9%
    - Yes, but only if she agreed to it -- 6%
    - Yes, absolutely -- 3%

Are you comfortable with a partner "friending" her exes on Facebook?

    - Yes, absolutely -- 44%
    - Yes, but only if I have met him before -- 24%
    - No -- 32%

Do you know anyone who has set up a secret Facebook account to conceal a relationship from his girlfriend/wife?

    - Yes -- 15%
    - No -- 84%
    - I have done so myself -- 1%

Do you know anyone who has used the internet to facillitate cheating (whether through e-mail, Facebook or infidelity services like

    - Yes -- 35%
    - No -- 65%

Would you be in a relationship with a woman who has a higher income than you?

    - Yes, it wouldn't bother me -- 85%
    - I already am -- 7%
    - No, but I wouldn't be comfortable -- 8%

How often do you make an effort to be romantic?

    - Very often -- 26%
    - Somewhat often -- 53%
    - Not very often -- 19%
    - Never -- 2%

Of the choices listed below, what best motivates you to be romantic?

    - Feeling close to my partner -- 73%
    - The possibility of sex -- 19%
    - I'm not a romantic man -- 6%
    - It's a good way to apologize -- 2%
    - Needing a personal favor -- 0%

Do your current/past partners recognize your efforts to be romantic?

    - Yes -- 76%
    - No -- 24%

How often does your partner make an effort to be romantic?

    - Very often -- 9%
    - Somewhat often -- 30%
    - Not very often -- 24%
    - Never -- 4%
    - I am single -- 34%

How satisfied are you with your sex life?

    - Completely satisfied -- I wouldn't change a thing about it -- 12%
    - Somewhat satisfied -- there is room for improvement -- 40%
    - Not at all satisfied, because of the quantity of sex -- 20%
    - Not at all satisfied, because of the quality of sex -- 5%
    - I have no sex life -- 24%

Have you ever lied about the number of sex partners you've had?

    - No, never -- 50%
    - Yes, because it's no one's business but my own -- 21%
    - Yes, to protect a partner's feelings -- 13%
    - Yes, to protect my ego -- 16%

How often do you think that couples with healthy sex lives have sex?

    - Everyday -- 11%
    - Multiple times a week -- 77%
    - Once a week -- 10%
    - Once a month -- 1%
    - Less than once a month -- 0%

Have you ever insincerely told a woman you love her in order to get sex?

    - No, and I never would -- 61%
    - No, but I would consider it -- 21%
    - Yes, but I will not do it again -- 11%
    - Yes, and I will continue to do so -- 7%

Have you ever fantasized about a partner's friend?

    - Yes, I fantasize about her friends regularly -- 28%
    - Yes, I have in the past but I try to avoid it now -- 39%
    - No, but I have to restrain myself from doing so -- 11%
    - No, but I have no interest in any of her friends -- 22%

Of the three choices below, which one sexual act do you most fantasize about engaging in with your partner?

    - A threesome -- 35%
    - Anal sex -- 18%
    - Sex in public -- 15%
    - Filming ourselves having sex -- 9%
    - None of these -- 23%

Would you be willing to tell your partner that you want to engage in this fantasy together?

    - Yes -- 69%
    - No, I would be scared that she wouldn't be into it -- 17%
    - No, I would be scared that she'd think I was a pervert -- 14%

If a male birth control pill were available, would you take it?

    - Yes -- 69%
    - No -- 31%

Can you tell if a woman is faking an orgasm?

    - Yes -- 25%
    - No -- 22%
    - I think so -- 54%

Would you be offended if a woman faked an orgasm during intercourse with you?

    - No -- 21%
    - Yes, I would be offended that she was deceiving me -- 30%
    - Yes, I would be offended that I wasn't able to pleasure her -- 49%

Have you ever faked an orgasm during intercourse?

    - No -- 69%
    - Yes, but only once -- 15%
    - Yes, on more than one occasion -- 17%

Is it ever OK to pay for sex?

    - No -- 43%
    - Yes, but only for a crazy sexual experience that wouldn't present itself otherwise -- 27%
    - Yes, but only as a last resort -- 17%
    - Yes, it is always OK -- 13%

Would you change your penis size if you could?

    - Yes, I would make it bigger to feel better about myself -- 31%
    - Yes, I would make it bigger to satisfy my partner -- 21%
    - Yes, I would make it smaller -- 1%
    - No -- 47%

Have you ever had sex with a coworker?

    - Yes, once -- 16%
    - Yes, with multiple coworkers on multiple occasions -- 11%
    - No, but I would if the opportunity arose -- 56%
    - No, it's against my morals -- 16%

At what point does a woman become sexually promiscuous?

    - When she sleeps with her 10th sex partner -- 39%
    - When she sleeps with her 20th sex partner -- 32%
    - When she sleeps with her 50th sex partner -- 12%
    - When she sleeps with her 100th sex partner -- 3%
    - Never -- 15%

At what age do women start losing their looks?

    - 60 -- 7%
    - 50 -- 24%
    - 40 -- 39%
    - 30 -- 15%
    - 20 -- 1%
    - 18 -- 0%
    - Never -- 14%

How did you last break up with someone?

    - In person -- 54%
    - Phone call -- 15%
    - Text message -- 8%
    - Facebook message -- 2%
    - Facebook status change -- 1%
    - None of these -- 21%

Would you date a woman with children?

    - Yes, I already am -- 5%
    - Yes, it doesn't bother me -- 48%
    - No, I wouldn't be comfortable -- 21


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