Sunday, November 20, 2011

Nonito Jr. and Rachel Donaire spend holiday in Bohol and other tidbits

Scene: November 23, 2011 is the International Day to End Impunity as the nation remembers the 2nd anniversary of the Maguindanao massacre which claimed 58 victims on November 23, 2009 -- 32 of them were journalists. After two years, justice is nowhere in sight, “the wheels of justice, which have always ground slow, appear to have stalled to an almost dead stop and, worse, remain in danger of being reversed,” the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) said in a press statement.  As we wait for action, we grieve for the martyred journalists who believed the Constitutional protection of their rights was enough. Bared requests readers not to forget...

Scene: The 3rd induction and turn-over ceremony of the Junior Chamber International (JCI)-Boholana Kisses is on Dec. 8, 2011, 6:30 p.m. at the Metro Centre Hotel.  JCI Member Arizza Nancy Jule “Tukay” Tirol is the incoming president. She is one of the youngest presidents in JCI Philippines at the age of 21. With this year’s JCI Boholana Kisses theme “Work as One, Succeed as One!” Pres. Tukay continues to pursue their projects with the province of Bohol and their organizational projects.

Arizza Nancy Jule “Tukay” Tirol, JCI-Boholana Kisses incoming president
Scene: A group of beauty watchers is strongly pushing for the delisting of a beauty queen who was “caught in the act” by a housewife-beauty queen. “Last week, the beauty queen resigned from the office after a complaint was filed against her. The beauty queen’s “fairy godmothers” are also planning to leave Bohol after they were implicated on the incident as tipsters causing internal turmoil. The beauty pageant committee is brink of being disbanded,” said VRS.  
Scene:  Netizens were abuzz moments after Atty. Ferdinand Topacio said he is willing to cut off one of his balls if his clients, the Arroyos, do not return to the Philippines after their planned trip abroad to seek medical treatment. "I'm willing to do the worst. Ipatatanggal ko itlog ko 'pag di bumalik ang mga Arroyo," he said. The hashtag #itlognitopacio became the top trending local topic on microblogging site Twitter. Netizens poked fun at Topacio's "offer" on Twitter saying “Atty. Topacio didn't say kung sinong gusto n'yang tumanggal sa isang itlog n'ya. I'm not sure if Sec. De Lima's willing to do that.”
If you haven’t noticed, Nonito "The Filipino Flash" Donaire, Jr. and wife, Rachel had a surprise visit to Bohol last week, days after their church wedding held on Nov. 11, 2011 or 11-11-11 (said to be a lucky date).

Nonito Jr, also known as Jun-Jun, called Tessie Labunog-Sumampong (owner of Loboc Riverwatch Floating Restaurant, +638537-9460/+639173060010) to prepare sumptuous meal for the group (mostly Americans) who were amazed of the beauty of the Loboc River cruise.

“Jun-Jun and Rachel are very sweet. She is blooming!” said VRS.
 Jun-Jun with Tessie Labunog-Sumampong….

…and  dancing the kuradang with the Loboc folks
While in Bohol Jun-Jun and her entourage savored the island’s famous tourist attractions like a visit to a tarsier sanctuary, the Loboc River cruise and a trek to see the world-famous Chocolate Hills.

Jun-Jun was mobbed by fans upon arrival at the Loboc River. Same thing happened anywhere he went.

“He was very good in singing while at the floating restaurant. He danced well while joining the local entertainers at the Loboc River bank,” added VRS.

The group also tried the zipline, the newest attraction of Loboc town before going to Talibon.

The couple visited Bohol in 2009 after Jun-Jun won the fight against Raul Martinez. It was also a “sentimental journey” because Jun-Jun went emotional when he visited the old house in Talibon where he was born.

For the latest Philippine news stories and videos, visit GMANews.TV

Forever Living is back!

Forever Living is back! Bohol welcomed Asia’s number one Forever Living Diamond Manager Edmund Ramos on Nov. 7 at Informatics Computer Institute Conference Room. 

Forever Living Products website says: Forever Living Products are the World's leading grower and processor of Aloe Vera. Why we chose aloe vera? “The amazing qualities of this plant have been known and used for centuries.  Produced from the inner gel of the aloe vera leaf, cold processed and stabilized directly - not freeze dried and reconstituted. This ensures that none of the aloe goodness is lost.
In the range you will find excellent natural health and beauty products including moisturizers, lotions, toners - all containing natural Aloe Vera. In addition we have drinks in various flavors, and a wide range of minerals, vitamins, and other supplements.

“Everyone who wants to be healthy knows that the closer we stay to nature, the better we feel. That is why Forever Living’s mission is to give you the purest health and beauty nature products,” says Shem Quezon who is business builder.

To become a FLP distributor or business builder, you can contact Shem Quezon - +63910-970-1285 and Alvin Acuzar - +62917-304-2900)

If Bohol is a fruit…
Ariel Llanos
Meeting people of different nationalities and culture is challenging and exciting as well. Ask Ariel Llanos, the “walking encyclopedia” and the charming front desk officer at the Metro Centre Hotel, who met different nationalities and have taught him a lifetime’s worth of lessons.

“For one,” Ariel begins, “my work has taught me all about adaptability. I had no idea how much it would broaden my horizons and open up my mind.”

Ariel has learned to control his temper when some guests got mad or vehemently complaint on anything.

But he knows he can’t complain or else. 

“I stay focus and poise,” he relates.

Ariel has noticed the increasing number of tourists who are visiting Bohol. Most of them are locals, Koreans, Japanese and Americans.

“If Bohol is a fruit, it is mango. The sweetness of the Boholano hospitality is really superb!” says Ariel.

“If Bohol is a delicacy, it is Star Peanuts. One you have taste it, you always want it,” adds Ariel.

Bohol, Ariel explains, has blessed with wonderful places and people.

According to Ariel, the 5 Must-Visit Places in Bohol are Chocolate Hills, Danao (for extreme adventure),  Panglao (Panglao Island Nature Resort),  Tagbilaran City (Metro Centre Hotel) and  Loboc. The 5 important places to dine are Wok Express, Gerry’s Grill, Asiatika, SunBurst and Payag.

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