Monday, July 1, 2013

This is the Bared goodbye.

I have an announcement to make: Bared, your only one top source of news and intrigue about personalities and sundry from Bohol and  beyond, is ending and readers will watch out for the "Very Reliable Source" brand.

Bared has tried to be your eyes and ears in pursuit of (reliable) gossips and the stories that beg to be told for almost five years.

After many years of covering the entertainment world thru Bared, I’ve been fortunate enough to  cover interesting people, places and events including Hollywood; Bared was the only gossip column from Philippines to cover the Oscars 2013. 

When I posted on Facebook this week about the end of Bared, a number of readers (who have developed an unhealthy addiction to Bared) have expressed distress about the column ending. There are also people who may not mourn the column's passing (you know who you are). But, seriously, we're into it. Don't worry, you'll be in good hands with a new gossip column after this (Believe me!).

For now, I'll just say gracias por todo... thank you to every loyal reader that I valued so much (I was convinced that any one of you could have written the gossip yourself!) Your "brutality," friendliness and intelligence always floored me (literally and figuratively!).

My massive thank you to Sir Peter, the Chronicle staff: Intoy, Charmo, Maricel, (the two) Fe, Etching, Amy, et al and ace reporters who helped me the dish.

And muchas gracias to all very reliable sources, snitches, tipsters, snoops and spywitnesses. You know who you are. You are what has made Bared such a vibrant and colorful, smart and interesting part of our Sunday life.

The end of Bared: Chronicle gossip columnist Leo P. Udtohan (at the Oscars 2013) is saying goodbye (for a while).
Now that it’s all over...from your gossip columnist, goodbye from Tagbilaran City.

Thanks for your letters, all will be answered. Comments welcome at, follow leoudtohan at Twitter/Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. you 've been one of the writers that I really look up to Leo... How can we look forward to our Sundays without Bared?

    Good luck on your future endeavors and thank you for keeping us abreast and entertained with your scoops

