Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Dalareich Polot means do$$ar

Dalareich Polot means do$$ar
• JCI-Boholana Kisses reacts

Scene: Centerstage band, which served as frontact for the concert of Cueshe last Wednesday, September 25, at PMI-Taloto ground, as part of the 40th Foundation Day celebration of PMI Colleges-Bohol, declined the offer to work in London.

CenterStage Courtesy: Ariel Fullido
 “CenterStage thanks everyone for the unsolicited advice regarding the offer from Holiday Inn Hotel in London,” said Ariel Fullido, one of the members of the band, posted on Facebook. “We might as well reconsider our decision, or regret it with a heavy heart, but for now we really intend to stay here for the meantime, as two members are studying, and we stick to our obligations and commitments in the contracts we signed in our local bookings here.”

Years ago, a German promoter Rodulf Bruenner invited the band to perform in Europe. Sadly, they declined the offer.

Seen: A young socialite who married into a wealthy family has started taking wines and spirits? No, she hasn’t turned alcoholic, not yet anyway. Could it be her way of breaking the boredom of a leisurely life as a virtual princess?

Scene: According to the Manila-based International Rice Research Institute, about one of every two people in the world relies on rice as a staple food. So if the price of rice jumps, nearly half of the global population could be impacted. We are sensitive to more expensive rice because it makes up about 9% of our country’s basket – the highest percentage in all of Asia. The price of rice is expected to keep rising although NFA-Bohol Information Officer Jhoel Lim says “there is a stable rice supply in the province.” What's the top price you've seen for rice? Snap a photo and tell me your breaking point.

Boholano young entrepreneur Dalareich Polot was the grand winner in the First Young Entrepreneur’s Bootcamp 2013 which was held on Sept. 23 -25 in Manila organized by Samahan ng mga Pilipina para sa Reporma at Kaunlaran (Spark! Philippines, Inc.) and teamed up with the US Embassy in Manila.

Dalareich Polot Courtesy: Dalareich Polot
Spark is a non-government organization composed of women entrepreneurs seeking to empower small- and medium-scale enterprises ventured in by Filipino women all over the country.

“Lord! You’re sooooo goooodddd!! I won the grand prize,” said the Dalareich Tableya owner on Facebook. “Reallly soooooooo happpy!! I cried when they called me the First Young Women Entrepreneur Bootcamp 2013 grand winner!”

The judges were impressed of Dalareich and they were inspired of her life story.

Dalareich also said that she is very excited to go back to Bohol and share her experiences  she got in the young entrepreneurs Bootcamp.

True to her name, Dalareich has received a cash prize (a whooping US5,000 dollars!) and a plaque.
“Now I can justify why God gave me my name Dalareich (Dollar-rich),” she said.

Kim Mainit, “The Boses na May Gustong Patunayan,” posted on Facebook his experiences in the Voice of the Philippines (VOTP):

It has been 3 days that passed since i got eliminated in the show that opened millions of opportunities for me :)) I do believe in the saying that goes "if a door is closed, thousands more will open"... In those 3 days of trying to sink it in.. I realized of what a great journey and what a long road have I taken for someone who is such a newbie in competitions and performing in a big stage...

And through the journey.. It never would have started without the guidance, choice , and plans of GOD for me.. And I’m so thankful to the most wonderful instrument that he used to accomplish all these.. Which is my coach Lea Salonga... Coach.. If you didn’t turn that chair around.. My .. I wouldn’t have gone through the journey... And that's why coach... I thank you from the bottom and core of my heart.. For the advices, complements, comments, chikas, and everything coach.. Thank you so so much...
Kim with Leah Salonga Courtesy: Kim Mainit

The journey would have been boring without all the challenges and bonding moments i had with the VOICE ARTISTS .. Guys.. I can’t name you all one-by-one.. But to all of you guys.... Thank you so so so so so so so much!!! For the joy and sharing that we had and for all the advices to me and all the love that we will forever have :))

To my parents.. MOMMY, DADDY, thank you so much for the all-out support that you've shown and made me feel :)) i hope to repay both of you to that support as soon as i have taken more opportunities..

To my FANS (charness!!!) ... Thank you so so much sa support ha? Hope to meet you all soon!!

And to all that is part of the voice especially our directors, ep's, sp's,pa's,ap's, cc's,music researchers, and all... Thank you so so much sa pag aalaga po ninyo sa amin :)) sa lahat po Ng pagod at pagpupuyat na inyong ginawa para sa amin.. Sobra sobrang salamat po

I performed my last performance with all the knowledge, experience, and learning that I went through throughout the course of the competition... And i hope that people see my growth as an individual and as an ARTIST..ate Radha, tatay Michael Yonting, sir Darryl Shy... Maraming salamat po sa lahat ng inyong ishinare sa akin para akoy gumaling :)))

My journey in "THE VOICE OF THE PHILIPPINES" ended last Sunday... But my journey as an Artist, Singer, and as a Person just started.. With all the experience that I got in that competition.. I know .. Soon.. I’ll reach my dreams of success :))

Have a great day and GOD BLESS YOU ALL always!!

PS: Hope you buy my song in I-Tunes guys.

Here’s the official public statement (addressed to yours truly) dated Sept. 27, 2013 from the past presidents of JCI-Boholana Kisses Cecile Theres Atup (2010), Cheryl Yap-Tirol (2011) and Arizza Nancy Jule Yap Tirol (2012) on the “controversial” Sikatuna: Rajah sa Bohol:

Dear Mr. Leo P. Udtohan,

The core members of JCI Boholana Kisses would like register a response regarding your Very Reliable Source (VRS) article that appeared in the Bohol Chronicle on September 22, 2013 in order to set the record straight.

Since JCI Boholana Kisses, is a collegial body, all proposed activities must be approved by a majority of the members before it may be carried out in behalf of the group, the activity dubbed as Rajah sa Bohol held last July 19, 2013 has never been put to a vote nor calendared for approval in a general membership meeting called for that purpose; and neither has the Rajah sa Bohol  been included as one of the listed activities of the organization in our annual strategic planning.

It is unfortunate that Pres. Adam Tagaktak, pushed on with the project on his own initiative and without the backing of the rest of core members of JCI Boholana Kisses. For this reason, the rest of the members had no knowledge of the financial and organizing details of the event. In fact, the said activity was never reported to the mother organization,  JCI PHILIPPINES National Secretariat, for accreditation and recording purposes and it does not fall under any of the categories of activities aligned with objectives of the organization. Apparently, he felt strongly that Rajah sa Bohol would be a success and that projected sponsorships would cover the cost of its implementation.

 We all intend to resolve this issue in the most amicable manner by exerting all efforts to reach out to Pres. Adam Tagaktak to enlighten us on the matter. Just like the rest of the public, we are also in the dark regarding the issue at hand. Thank for you and more power.

Thanks for your letters, all will be answered. Comments welcome at leoudtohan@yahoo.com, follow leoudtohan at Twitter /Facebook.

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