Monday, March 24, 2014

Another feather in Marc Batoy’s decorated cap

Seen: Spotted in the US is Bohol's most popular emcee par excellence Gloria Leodivica Araneta. Araneta was spotted in Palto Alto, CA inside the Standford Shopping Center.

Scene: The “mother of the school” (MOTS) is in hot water as parents and residents of the barangay have petition for her removal as MOTS. The petition says “this MOTS has proven on numerous occasions that unfit to perform the position that has been assigned and is paid to do.” The parents also ask the “Mother Colony” (MC) to find a place where MOTS’ toxic attitude is acceptable. A high-ranking official in MC said, “Ay nothing is new! MOTS is our regular client!” Clue: Where is it? South or North?

Scene: The son of a famous businessman has been seen unkempt and wandering around, begging for transportation money. Nothing was heard about this son until lately when unsavory stories started cropping up in the circle making intrigeras tsk-tsking and saying “Sige pa, suyop pa.”  The son’s friends who delivered the goodies are now hiding...

Scene: The First Bohol International Choir Festival is on March 18-22. It will bring together international choir groups from all over the world showcasing each country-participant’s style and showmanship.

Summer Gimik 2014: Can-uba Beach attracts visitors

Can-uba Beach
Who needs a holiday this summer when the country will be basking in a heatwave? There's only one place we want to be when the sun breaks through---  the beach!

The sand is definitely one of the first elements that come to mind when people think about beaches in Bohol. But is sand really necessary to call a place a beach?

Searching for summer destinations in Bohol for GMA News, my roadtrip has led me discovering Can-uba Beach in Jagna town. It’s a hidden gem in Bohol which is now gaining attention as a summer-getaway.

Well maintained by the residents of barangay Can-uba, this beach is absolutely clean and safe, perfect place for swimming. It doesn’t have sand but have the famous pebbles or marbles (lag-it) so smooth you could triple-skip them across the water’s surface.

Beachgoers can walk along an entire coastline covered in pebbles. Can-uba beach is one of the few beaches in the eastern side of Bohol that are completely made of pebbles or marbles.

Can-uba Beach is a living proof that sand definitely doesn’t make a beach.

Distance: 51 minutes (63 kms) from Tagbilaran City
Location: Barangay Can-uba, Jagna, Bohol
Entrance: Free
Amenity: Cottage available for Php 50
Pasalubong to buy: Calamay

Students of Bohol Island State University-Main Campus have witnessed a new page in the school’s history following the successful completion of the school’s first automated Supreme Student Government (SSG) elections last Friday, March 14. 

A part-time model and student, Marc Joseph Batoy is considered a heartthrob. So, what’s in a woman that turns him on?  I could find a woman sexy if she walks confidently and has a sense of humor. Courtesy: Marc Joseph Batoy

The automated election was part of the school’s system strategic plan. “Providing an Automated Enrollment Service and Online Payment Gateways to its students/clients has already been proposed as part of Bohol Island State University's Information System Strategic Plan for the period 2014-2016,” said the official BISU page on Facebook.

 “We are both nervous and excited,” said Marc Joseph Batoy, a part-time model and incoming 4th year Electrical Engineering student.

“Nervous because you really don’t know what to expect, who will win or lose; excited because this is it. We are looking forward to this day,” he added.

Incidentally, Marc Joseph Batoy was running for senator under the Council of Envisioned Students Towards Progress (CESTP).

The partial and unofficial results (as of Friday):

For President: Alvin Alleluya has 2,475 votes against Francis Bukid who has 1,268 votes and Roland Nino Baldo’s 1,031 votes.

For Vice-President, Ian Ray Oclarit has 2,116 votes against Immaculada Leopardas with 1, 478 votes and Cristuto Lagura’s 1,074 votes.

From 15 senators who run, 12 will be chosen, and luckily, Marc is on top 5 with 2, 129 votes.

How was the campaign trail? “It’s okay, worth it ang kakapoy,” Marc revealed. 

What were the girls’ reactions seeing a handsome young man campaigning for senator?

“Not sure, but think nothing!” he said blushing. (How about those eyes and kilig factor?- Bjosh)

Marc is considered a heartthrob. He is a devoted son. He has been so devoted to his studies  that he must have forgotten to attend to his love life, never mind if women of all shapes and sizes from all levels of the social ladder are ready, willing and able to wait and meet him.

Marc shared to VRS that he will make important laws for the studentry. 

“I’m happy because not all are being given this kind of trust to serve my fellow students,” said Marc.

Winning the senatorial race will be another feather to Marc’s decorated cap. He was Mr. Olive-C Bohol 2012-2nd runner up, Mr. Teen-Bohol 2012- 1st runner up, Mr. BISU Main Campus 2012,  Mr. BISU (whole BISU system) 2012, Mr. Regional SCUAA (State Colleges and Universities Athletic Association) 2012 and Mr. National SCUAA 2013-2nd runner up.

A Pisces (March 1), Marc stands 5’9”; weighs 136 lbs.; and wears medium-size shirt and size-9 shoes.

He gives VRS readers an idea of what stuff he’s made of.

What is your favorite subject? Electrical circuits. (Wikipedia says electrical circuit is a network consisting of a closed loop, giving a return path for the current.-Bjosh)

Why do you think education is important? Education is the best investment of life. It opens up dozens of opportunities, provides security, gives better understanding and teaches the lesson of humanity. Education will never leave a person empty-handed.

What is your favorite quote?  Paulo Coelho’s "To live is to experience things, not sitting around pondering the meaning of life."

How do you manage your time in modeling and studying? Studies are really my priority. If there are competitions, shows and practices I see to it that I never leave my studies behind. So, I spare time to finish my tasks in school before going to an event or show or do it right after.

What is sexy to you? Confidence is sexy. Intelligence. Heart and Humor. That goes for man or woman.

What part of your body do you find sexiest? My smile!

What do you find sexy in a woman? I could find a woman sexy if she walks confidently and has a sense of humor.

Status? Single.

What qualities do you want in a girl? Intelligent, family-oriented, sweet and would always makes me smile.

What do you want to achieve? I want just want to be a licensed Engineer.

I hate people…That are not true to their words.

I avoid people….that are insensitive and closed-minded.

My greatest pleasure is...being able to represent region 7 in a national competition.

My worst moment is…when I was betrayed.

My biggest fear is...Failure.

I pray for…my family's safety, my studies and for those people who are affected by the calamities.

The most important person in my life Mother!

 If I were to be reincarnated as an animal I would be…a dog.

My most traumatic experience was...honestly, nothing!

Am I afraid of growing old?... No, growing old is inevitable, I would love to experience diff. things through my years. I'd rather be afraid of not growing up than growing old.

My favorite memory verse is... Matthew 6:33. It says, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Thanks for your letters, all will be answered. Comments welcome at, follow leoudtohan at Twitter /Facebook.

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