Friday, April 10, 2020

Passover traditions change as the coronavirus spreads

Your VRS observing the Passover in Bohol, Philippines amid the pandemic/

While the original Passover took place over 3,000 years ago, its story is just as relevant today as it was back then. It is a testament to Israel’s survival of the Ten Plagues and the Exodus from Egypt.


Since the pandemic is affecting all of us, we are encouraged to spend more time at home to be saved. It is also a great opportunity to remember the Passover and G-d's everlasting love for those who believed in Him either Jew or Gentile.


We hope and pray that every person in need of healing be healed, and all the other burdens be removed, and we wish for a healthy, liberating  and kosher Passover!


While times are trying now, this too shall pass! Great is Thy Faithfulness!

The Passover Seder continues despite the pandemic.



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