Saturday, February 6, 2021

Tagna-Tagna 2021

Women empowerment: (From left) Incumbent Bohol 3rd district Rep. Alexie Tutor will seek re-election, Vanessa Aumentado will announce sooner if she will run, and former Carmen Mayor Conchita Toribio- Delos Reyes will run for mayor in Carmen. 

On the 12th day of 2021, Year of the White Metal Rat, your VRS is making a big “reveal” of what’s in store for our favorite Boholanos  in the next 12 months.  

As in the past years, your VRS based the following Tagna-Tagna not on a deck of tarot cards, enneagram or upon a crystal ball but on  juicy items and snippets from different soources and on social media. 

Now, more about the Metal Ox:  The Chinese New Year will start on February 12 2021 and will end on January 31, 2022.

The recent zodiac years of Ox sign are: 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033…An Ox year occurs every 12 years.

Astrologers said 2021 will be a better year for almost all Chinese zodiac signs who have had problems with money or career in 2020, a year dominated by disorders and the economic crisis.

2021 will make many people to be more prone to health-related issues, especially lung diseases.  If during 2020, many people have suffered from respiratory infections caused by a virus that has affected the world, this year, many people will more healthy and will enjoy their life to the fullest. 

Those born under the zodiac signs of rabbit, ox, tiger, horse, and rooster could expect a more favorable year. While those born in the years of the rat, boar, sheep, dog, dragon, and snake should brace themselves for more challenges.

Other Chinese zodiac signs will be asked to step up their efforts this year, but for the Ox, it’s time to reap the benefits of the cumulative efforts they’ve made year in, year out. 

This year also calls for the use of mental skills, in the detriment of brute force, in order to reduce aggression by using our common sense and wisdom strategy.

Lucky colors: Regarding clothes, the lucky colors in 2021 will be white, purple, blue and grey. To increase your luck, wear metal accessories.

But as tradition dictates, VRS is dishing out  his predictions for 2021. 
Xanu Angels, Xanu Boys and Ki-ki and Friends will create good music.

(Warning: As a "gentle" reminder (I may sound a broken record), these are all tagna tagna. Your VRS can’t/won’t tell who are those in the “blind items,” so please refrain from asking. Note: Last year, our “Tagna-Tagna” was 96 percent credible! Blush! Blush! Blush!) 

• Maria Vanessa Aumentado will run in the 2022 polls, if, and that is a big if. She will make a shocking announcement....sooner! 

• Incumbent 3rd district Rep. Alexie Tutor will seek re-election. Same for Bohol Governor Arthur Yap, Vice Gov. Rene Relampagos and 1st district Rep. Edgar Chatto. 

• Senior board member Victor Balite will run for vice governor! 
• Former youth leader Benjie Oliva will not run for mayor in Catigbian town. He has more energy to liase between provincial and national leaders. 

• The "missing" billionaire and former Carmen Mayor Conchita "Che-Che" Toribio-Delos Reyes will resurface with a big “surprise.” A VRS said she will run for mayor in Carmen, if, that is a big if, her supporters will agree with her decision. 

• Vanessa Cubrado will run for mayor in Pilar town after her mother, Mayor Necitas, will take her bow after completing her third term with flying colors.  

• It will be a good year for Misses Bohol Celina Villocino and Raclaire Stephan Trigo
 if they will join a national pageant.  
• With the bright trail paved by the likes of Achinette Villamor, Ted Ramasola, some of our Boholano indie makers will win awards in filmfests. 
Benjie Oliva will not run for mayor in Catigbian in 2022 polls. In photo shows Benjie conducted a land survey at Sto. Nino Parish Plaza in Barangay Baang, Catigbian  for its development with Councilor Oliver Oliva, Engr. Arnel Cabulao and his team. Arch. Nino Guidaben who designed the beautiful Catigbian Municipal Hall will provide the design and concept for the project subject to the approval of the Parish Pastoral Council.

• Xanu Angels, an all-female band in the province, and Xanu Boys, will release a top-rated song! 

• Ki-ki and Friends will make another hit song! 

• Reggae boyband Brownbuds will have a reunion after this pandemic. CenterStage band will release their debut album. 

• Beauty queen Pauline Amelinckx will make another history. Aim high, girl!

• Media influencer Willy Ramasola will make "shocking" revelations!!! He will make many "frenemies! 

• Fiscal Ingemar "Pinoy Aquaman" Macarine will not conquer the English Channel this year. He will conquer the English Channel, the "Mt. Everest" of all swims, in 2022, if not, in 2023. 


• The winner for Bohol Governor is….Drum roll please! The complete name has letters A, R and T.  Ooops! The crystal ball becomes blurred! He! He! He!
• Tagbilaran City has a new mayor. Clue? The complete name has letters J, A and N! 
Look, I didn’t say if a “he” or a “she”.  Ooops! The crystal ball becomes blurred! He! He! He!

•  A prominent family will be in the “limelight,” as their in-law will seek for a position.   

• Politicians will jump over the bakod! Many of them will feel the pain after they will discover betrayal from their political mates. Ouch, ouch, ooouch!!! 

• Some politicians will suffer from depression due to cyber bullying since campaign will be done online. 

• Scandals will rock the political scene. Some will try to get media mileage out of it. 

•  Many local radio programs will fade out and will be shortened to accomodate political ads. 

•  Some Boholanos will shine and bring honor to the country. No elaboration. 

•  A Boholana will make a name in the national pageant. Another Boholana beauty queen will have a hard time gaining back the confidence of the pageant organizer. 

• The "war" between supporters of Gov. Art Yap and supporters of 2nd district Rep. Aris Aumentado will continue to “sour” into highest level during election time. The feuds will continue as politicians will have mudslinging and character assassination. Trolls are coming!!!! 

• Two high-ranking officials will wage an ugly word war against each other on — Facebook.

• Controversies will rock an LGTBIQ+ association. 

•   A high-ranking official will be “removed,” or “axed” from office not that he’s not performing well his duties but because of “unseen” hands. 

•  Many Boholano vloggers and social media influencers will make names in socmed...and will earn millions!! Wow!!! 

• A Boholano will penetrate the movie industry. Then, another Boholana will be active in showbiz (again).

• Two politicians who were "best friends" but became "best enemies" will reconcile, let bygones be bygones, with no apologies for the ugly words that trailed their breakup.

•  A wedding of the son of a prominent family in Tagbilaran City will not  push through. Reasons?  Only the family of the groom knows.

• More businesses will slowly recover and some will declare bankruptcy as the pandemic continues. 

• A wife of a businessman will have problems with her philandering hubby. 

• A trusted aide de camp of a politician will be removed due to grave misconduct and illegal activities.

• New tourist destinations will emerge in Bohol.

• Bohol will be in the limelight for its beauty and wonder. Wow na Wow Bohol! 

• 2021 will have lots of surprises!!! Surprise?! 

Will the Year of the Metal Ox be lucky for you?

*   *   *

Thanks for your letters, all will be answered. Comments welcome at, follow leoudtohanINQ at Twitter /Facebook.

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