Saturday, March 6, 2021

Bohol's Jay Mar Buday wins 'Man Of the Globe 2021- Continental'

Jay Mar Suarez Buday on being sexy: 'A man with a right attitude.' Mac Gaso Photography

"Live for today and learn for tomorrow." 

"That's my mantra," said Jay Mar Suarez Buday who is the first Boholano to win the  "Man of the Globe" title. 

Jay, 21, was crowned "Man of the Globe 2021- Continental" held on Friday, March 5, 2021 at Hotel Snow in Angeles City, Pampanga.  He was also proclaimed as best in formal wear. 

VRS got word that The Art Nouveau Models (TAN) has big plans for Jay who could be the next big thing if he plays his cards well.

A Gemini (born on June 10, 1999), Jay  stands 5’11”; weighs 150 lbs.; and wears medium-size shirt and briefs, and size-10 shoes.

Jay Mar Suarez Buday is the first Boholano to win the "Man of the Globe Continental 2021".  Mac Gaso Photography

Nothing can stop Jay, the man with the right mental attitude, from achieving his goal. 

What is your ambition in life? To be a successful seafarer soon. 

What do you want to achieve? I want  to be the next Mister Continental International 2021. 

What diet do you follow? Only boiled egg every morning and 1 cup of rice every lunch and dinner. 

How do you keep fit?  Eating healthfully and cutting calories. Add exercise. 

What is sexy to you? A man with a right attitude. 

Jay Mar Suarez Buday (extreme left) with the other winners  during the "Man of the Globe 2021" held on Friday, March 5, 2021. Photo:  Man of the Globe 2021   
What part of your body do you consider sexiest? My core part. 

How do you protect yourself from COVID-19? Just to follow the health protocols of the government. 

What were your preparations before the pageant? Proper sleep, workout and reading newspapers and magazines and watching English movies.

What do you think does the world needs most right now? The cooperation and unity of every people. 

As Man of the Globe Philippines 2021-  Continental, what Filipino qualities of the  youth would you highlight? The generosity and hospitality of the people. 

Who is your role model and why? My parents because they are my source of strength, comfort and  inspiration. 

Young people today are liberated and adventurous, willing to try everything. What's your stand on pre-marital sex and contraceptives? Think before you click! 

If you were somebody else, who would you like to be and why? Our President Rodrigo Duterte because he is willing to fight and sacrifice for the seek our people.

Describe yourself in three words? Open-minded, Resilient, Respectful. 

If you were to change something in yourself, what would it be? There is nothing that I would change myself because there are many people who appreciate who I am.  I will maintain my good attitude towards those people who is respectful also. 

What will be your advocacies at "Man of the Globe Philippines 2021-Continental" ? Empowering the youth through education. As what we have observed and encountered on this pandemic, many things are affected that's why education should be prioritized. 

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