Sunday, September 25, 2022

Joshua Marapao Lillehagen: 'Always be kind even to those who aren’t'

By Leo Udtohan

Joshua Marapao Lillehagen is Bohol's representative to the "Great Man of the Universe". Photo: Aplaya Multimedia
The first thing that people notice in Joshua Marapao Lillehagen is his towering height, even when he was Sandugo Festival King 2018. 

Zoom out a bit and you notice his good looks that, according to TAN manager Roger Ryan "Khim" Magtagad, “he is getting more handsome each day,” and then, zoom out some more, his well-kept, well-toned body. “Not to brag but women and pa-women swoon over his goodlooking looks whenever he goes to the malls here and even in Dubai and Australia," adds Khim who has an eye for beauty and brawn. 

Joshua, 19, who hails from Calape town, is Bohol's official representative to the "Great Man of the Universe"-Philippines search which will culminate this November. 

Last week, he had a courtesy call to Gov. Aris Aumentado to seek support for his upcoming participation in the pageant. He was definitely thrilled to have discussed his plans with the young governor. He expressed his gratitude to Aumentado for the warm welcome and manifestation of support. 

Joshua is now in Dubai for a vacation while at the same time undergoing a training program focused on the physical, mental and emotional strength needed for the search. 

He said joining the "Great Man of the Universe" is the smartest thing he has done so far. 

"I think the smartest thing I’ve done so far was joining this pageant, Great Man of the Universe Philippines, and gaining exposure and getting back into modelling, which is a passion of mine ever since 2018 when I first started modelling," Joshua said. 

And what are his preparations for the contest? 
"I’m really giving this pageant my all. I’m watching what I eat, making sure I’m not consuming too many carbohydrates. I’m also going to the gym six times a week, doing cardio in the night and in the early morning to lose fat and keep myself in shape," he said. 

"I’m also doing facials at House of Beauty, and taking good care of my skin to reduce the amount of break outs I have. I also went to my dentist, Vertulfo, to get my teeth whitened. And finally, I get my nails done at Nailux so that my hands always look clean," he added. 

A Sagittarius, Joshua stands 6’2”; weighs 176 lbs.; and wears small-size shirt, medium-size briefs and size-13. 5 shoes.

Have you always wanted to join modeling since you were small? "I’ve never actually thought about doing modelling as a kid, however it has always been my dream to get into acting and becoming a big movie star one day. It then became a dream of mine to become an ABS- CBN actor too after watching TFC (The Filipino Channel) with my Lola when I was a kid."

Would you rather be smart but not too handsome or handsome but not too smart? "I would rather be smart but not too handsome because I was told when I was around 15 to 16 years old that looks are temporary, however knowledge is forever, and knowledge is power."

Joshua Marapao Lillehagen: 'I feel like my best asset is how brave and competitive I am. I never back down from a challenge and when I do take up a challenge I will do anything and everything to win.'  Photos: Litrato ni Juan by John Michael Ladura and Aplaya Multimedia

What are you taking up in college?  "I’m currently doing my Bachelor’s degree in media and communications in the University of Wollongong in Dubai. The reason why I chose this specific degree is because when choosing what I wanted to do for university, I wanted to get into acting school, however my parents weren’t going to support me financially with that degree because acting isn’t a certain career path, you need a little bit of luck and connections in order to get into that. So I chose media and communications because that’s the closest thing I could get to acting in front of the camera, I would at least be behind the camera."

What do you think is the biggest decision that you’ve made in your life? "To be honest with you, even though it was the smartest decision I’ve made it was also the hardest decision I’ve made too because I never actually had plans to get back into modelling and this opportunity came out of absolutely nowhere. I know most people would probably take this opportunity in a heartbeat, but in all honesty I wasn’t ready for it. I was out of shape, and I wasn’t taking care of myself and shaping myself for modelling anymore since Covid hit."

What is your motto in life? "My motto in life is to always be kind, even to those who aren’t. I’ve learned throughout the years is that when you leave this earth, nobody cares how well you did in your English test back in grade 7, but people would care about how you helped them study for it, especially if they get a good grade because of you. However long you are in this life for, always try and do good no matter who the person is, because at the end of the day people will care about your heart rather than your mind."

What are your winning traits? "My winning traits are that I’m resilient, I’m trustworthy, I’m loyal and I’m respectful."

What winning tips you get from your trainor/ handler? "Some winning tips I get from my handler is to never give up."

How do you handle bashers?  "I invite them into my life because that’s my sign that I’m making it and I’m close to success."

Do you have secrets sustaining your pogi points?  "Eat, sleep, repeat."

What is your best asset and why? "I feel like my best asset is how brave and competitive I am. I never back down from a challenge and when I do take up a challenge I will do anything and everything to win." 

What advocacy experience do you have? Maybe you have an important message to share ... and being a model would be the venue or forum to start your advocacy. "Some advocacy experience that I have is giving back to my community, especially in Calape. Calape has helped me so much whenever it came to my modelling, whether it was supporting me or even just the wildlife and scenery. Because of this, I enjoy giving back to my community after all the help they have given to me."

Who’s your role model?" My role model is my father. He has always been the one person I have always looked up to and listened to whenever times got too rough, and when it comes to really big decisions I always ask myself what would my father do."

Any other woman whom you admire? "A strong and powerful woman who I admire is my mother. She’s the person who gave birth to me and raised me when I was a child and taught me what’s right and what’s wrong. Without her I don’t know where I’d be in my life."

How you will convince people here and abroad that it is more fun in Bohol? "It’s all in the saying, Bohol has it all, and it’s all in Bohol. Which is very true, based off of all the tourist attractions and numerous activities you can do on this beautiful island, it truly has no boring days. You can always do something in Bohol any and every day of the week. Bohol has some of the most beautiful scuba diving and free diving sites if you’re into that, but if you’re afraid of the ocean then you can always find something to do at Island City Mall, or visit the world famous Chocolate Hills and climb over 200 steps to go up the mountain. There is always something fun to do in this beautiful island, Bohol."

Bohol's "Great Man of the Universe" Joshua Lillehagen pays a visit to Gov. Aris Aumentado. Also in photo is Lillehagen' s manager Roger Ryan "Khim" Magtagad. Photo: Aplaya Multimedia
What place in Bohol you would like to promote and bring your friends?  "To be honest there isn’t just one place in Bohol I would promote and bring my friends to because the island of Bohol as a whole is a beautiful island and there’s always something to do no matter what province you travel to. You can always travel to the Chocolate Hills and see the beautiful view at the top of one of the mountains you can climb, or you can go into the city of Tagbilaran and experience the night life, or if you’re a daytime person you can go into any of the malls and shop for good quality clothes or delicious food with the friendliest staff. Bohol as a whole is an amazing island, and there’s too many places in Bohol that are a great place to visit that I cannot choose one specific place."

What qualities of the Boholano youth would you highlight? "Their resiliency."

What is your favorite quote? “Don’t waste your time with explanations, people only hear what they want to hear.” - Paulo Coelho

Describe yourself in three (3) words:" Resilient. Trustworthy. Spiritual. Resilient - no matter how many times I get knocked down I will get right back on my feet again. Trustworthy - no matter what I will always try and tell the truth in full, even if the truth will hurt.  Spiritual - no matter where I am or what I’m doing, I will always turn to God for help if I’m at a low point in my life, and I will always thank God when I’m at a high point." 

How's your love life? "I don’t have one." 

What do you find sexy in a woman? "Her personality." 

And what turns you off? "Lack of personality."

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