Showing posts with label eleksyon 2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eleksyon 2013. Show all posts

Monday, February 11, 2013

Flashback: Yearbook photos of the who’s who

Scene:  If you Love To Dance, join the Valentine event at FoodMix Plaza Marcela on February 14. For more info, please call or text 09075436669.
Scene: A socialite VRS shared the rumors circulating in the river town. The “King of the Jungle” sent a messenger to ask “Yes, Yes” to reimburse all that he had spent in advancing himself as the challenger for a higher position.  However, “Yes, Yes” camp reportedly junked it with the response, 'If you think you can win it, go ahead'.  “Yes, Yes” also allegedly said. 'Why should I do it? I'm a candidate. That is not honorable. Maybe after the elections, let's see how we can be partners for development. But paying off a political opponent? That's untoward.”
“Take note,” added VRS, “it's the King of the Jungle’s camp that made the offer. True or not, one thing is certain. It is “Yes, Yes” who has the edge, because he anchors his campaign on hard work and performance.”
VRS also said that “Yes, Yes” has been instructed by his mother-in-law to stay quiet, because that is what his constituents like in him--silently working without bragging every inch of an accomplishment. "So, don't change," as he was advised. Maybe, he can report from time to time to update the people how he is doing just for transparency, not for other reasons--worst, undue media mileage.
VRS shared this lesson: Campaign is not like a commercial of a paint product that says you can suddenly become as white as the wall behind you when the paint roller runs on you.
Recognize any of those faces?
Let us hunt down famous faces before they were famous.
Case No. 1: Luke Mejares was known as the Gary Valenciano of Bohol, singing and moving like the famous singer, although he still maintains Michael Jackson is his most influential artist.
When he was in high school, Luke sang as front act for Joey Albert at a concert in Bohol.
His musical journey brought him to Manila in 1997 and he became a session singer for several bands until he finally joined the South Border which he later left and decided to go solo. Luke is married to Inger with whom he has a child.
Luke’s favorite motto: Don't trouble troubles, till trouble troubles you.
Case No. 2: (Councilor to-be) Joseph “Jojo” Bompat was a high school varsity player. The Heights Highlights ’03 says: His height as well as his skills granted him the privilege to be a Captain Barbell of the school’s Basketball Varsity Team. A big, naughty guy may seem but responsibility is something he could handle very well.
Bompat was the president of the Columbian Squires and member of the Baby Falcons.
Although now happily, if quietly, settled with his high school classmate Joanne Rochelle Aumentado Villamor, Jojo is taking the challenge to serve the people of Tagbilaran, following in his father’s footsteps.
Case No. 3:  Rotarian Alex Bongawan was a popular campus leader. He was known as “siga” (very brave) that all the students were very scared of his thundering voice. Pillars ’98, the University of Bohol High School yearbook says: Alex has a good sense of leadership. His strictness scares many but if you look at the good effect- it saves you from doing spooky stuffs. He’s a leader who brings his followers to a brighter end. He is a symbol of leadership and humility. He might be serious at times but behind the façade of this serious looking man hides a man with a very big smile and a truckload of jokes.
Alex, who runs a travel agency, is presently the secretary of the Rotary Club of Tagbilaran.
Case No. 4: Janice Aurora Tirol, Ph.D. was a popular campus figure. Pillars ‘97 says: She’s not just a girl- she’s a nice girl with an attitude. When she wants something- she usually gets it.
Dr. Nicey was one of the Philippines finest youth leaders who participated in the 34th Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Program (SSEAYP) in 2007.
An active member of the Rainbow for Girls, she is the head of the Student Personnel Services of the University of Bohol.
Case No. 5:  As I am typing this story, my sis Arlene, told me that her batch had famous personalities. True enough, her 1992 high school yearbook of Bohol National High School (BNHS) had prominent faces like Kit Bagaipo and Dr. Janice Michelle Evardone-Sarigumba.
Janice Michelle Evardone-- called Wowie by those close to her-- aimed high literally. She graduated salutatorian at Manga Elementary School and BNHS and was also awarded as “Mathematician of the Year.”
She wanted to be a nightingale but fate took her to study physical therapy as an academic scholar at Southwestern University (SWU) and passed the 1997 licensure exams for Physical Therapists.
She ranked #3 in the Civil Service Professional Exams for the entire Region VII. She was a university scholar in the College of Medicine at SWU, where she graduated in 2003 as Top 1 in her class, a recipient of the Matias H. Aznar Academic Excellence Award (with highest GPA) and Southwestern University Scholarship Award.
Wowie was Mutya sa Tagbilaran 2nd Runner-up in 1997 and Ms. Negros Navigation-Sea Angel.
Cielo, Sweet 16
Born on January 14, 1997, a day before the feast of Senor Santo Nino de Cebu of whom her father is a pious devotee, AJ Wincielou Johanna “Cielo” Araoarao Gabin was to be the “apple of the eyes” of her parents, Jerome John (of Siquijor) and Fiel Angeli, being the first child of the couple, the first grandchild of the Araoarao family and the first granddaughter of the Gabin family.
I have had the opportunity of “babysitting” her at home for some hours with her great grandmother, “Lola Pining,” 10 years ago, when her mother had to attend to some office-related activities and beauty pageants.
As the years have nurtured her, she is still very simple and easily contented, after her experiences as a little girl who was at the top of her class (DML Montessori School), as a pupil who has been consistently awarded as “Outstanding in Mathematics” since elementary (Holy Spirit School) up to now as a senior student (Tagbilaran City Science High School).
Her strong inclination in Mathematics - thanks to her father’s genes - has taken her to other parts of country and as far as Beijing and Tianjin, China for the China Primary Mathematics Olympiad in August 2009 and to Nevada, Arizona, California, Texas and New York as part of her stint in the International Regions Mathematics League competition as member of the winning Philippine MTG Teams.
On the other hand, she must’ve inherited her grandmother’s (Wincesa Espejo Araoarao, Bukang Liwayway Dance Troupe founder) terpsichorean prowess as, in recent years, she was member of the Tagbilaran City Science High School group which won in the Tagbilaran City Schools Division “Kuratsa Boholana” competition in March 2011 and in the University of the Philippines-Kadugong Bol-anon – Iloilo Chapter LITMUS modern jazz competition in October 2012 (both dances choreographed by her mother, Fiel Angeli) and  performed in the CVIRAA 2011 welcome program for the Cebu Province delegation and the Alay Lakad 2012 program.
The birth of her little brother, JF Regelbert Johnson “Renji,” after 14 years, became her long-time wish granted. She strongly believes in family values as manifested in having family meals, praying the Angelus and the Rosary and attending Sunday mass together and considers faith in God and the love, care and support of her family – Papa Jerome, Mama Fiel, Grandma Wincie, Mommy Lou, Uncle Ondoy and Aunties Claire, Coeli, Diane, Nhenen and Bebe – her greatest motivating factors in life.
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