Saturday, March 6, 2021

Bohol's Jay Mar Buday wins 'Man Of the Globe 2021- Continental'

Jay Mar Suarez Buday on being sexy: 'A man with a right attitude.' Mac Gaso Photography

"Live for today and learn for tomorrow." 

"That's my mantra," said Jay Mar Suarez Buday who is the first Boholano to win the  "Man of the Globe" title. 

Jay, 21, was crowned "Man of the Globe 2021- Continental" held on Friday, March 5, 2021 at Hotel Snow in Angeles City, Pampanga.  He was also proclaimed as best in formal wear. 

VRS got word that The Art Nouveau Models (TAN) has big plans for Jay who could be the next big thing if he plays his cards well.

A Gemini (born on June 10, 1999), Jay  stands 5’11”; weighs 150 lbs.; and wears medium-size shirt and briefs, and size-10 shoes.

Jay Mar Suarez Buday is the first Boholano to win the "Man of the Globe Continental 2021".  Mac Gaso Photography

Nothing can stop Jay, the man with the right mental attitude, from achieving his goal. 

What is your ambition in life? To be a successful seafarer soon. 

What do you want to achieve? I want  to be the next Mister Continental International 2021. 

What diet do you follow? Only boiled egg every morning and 1 cup of rice every lunch and dinner. 

How do you keep fit?  Eating healthfully and cutting calories. Add exercise. 

What is sexy to you? A man with a right attitude. 

Jay Mar Suarez Buday (extreme left) with the other winners  during the "Man of the Globe 2021" held on Friday, March 5, 2021. Photo:  Man of the Globe 2021   
What part of your body do you consider sexiest? My core part. 

How do you protect yourself from COVID-19? Just to follow the health protocols of the government. 

What were your preparations before the pageant? Proper sleep, workout and reading newspapers and magazines and watching English movies.

What do you think does the world needs most right now? The cooperation and unity of every people. 

As Man of the Globe Philippines 2021-  Continental, what Filipino qualities of the  youth would you highlight? The generosity and hospitality of the people. 

Who is your role model and why? My parents because they are my source of strength, comfort and  inspiration. 

Young people today are liberated and adventurous, willing to try everything. What's your stand on pre-marital sex and contraceptives? Think before you click! 

If you were somebody else, who would you like to be and why? Our President Rodrigo Duterte because he is willing to fight and sacrifice for the seek our people.

Describe yourself in three words? Open-minded, Resilient, Respectful. 

If you were to change something in yourself, what would it be? There is nothing that I would change myself because there are many people who appreciate who I am.  I will maintain my good attitude towards those people who is respectful also. 

What will be your advocacies at "Man of the Globe Philippines 2021-Continental" ? Empowering the youth through education. As what we have observed and encountered on this pandemic, many things are affected that's why education should be prioritized. 

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Thanks for your letters, all will be answered. Comments welcome at, follow leoudtohanINQ at Twitter /Facebook.

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Ube jam & inspiring, soul-enriching stories

Anthony Ceniza, cultural worker and choreographer extraordinaire, enjoys the pristine waters of Anda Pearl Premier Resort in Anda town. Photo: Leo Udtohan

It’s Feb. 28, 2021.  Feel-good Sunday, last day of the month of February. Again, take time out from political sizzlers and negative things out there for more inspiring, spirit-lifting stories.

1.The starfish story (author a unknown, contributed by Anthony Ceniza, cultural worker and choreographer extraordinaire and now supervisor of Marilou Resort in Panglao).  

An old man walked across the beach until he came across a young boy throwing something into the breaking waves. Upon closer inspection, the old man could see that the boy was tossing stranded starfish from the sandy beach, back into the ocean.

“What are you doing, young man?” He asked. 

“If the starfish are still on the beach when the sun rises, they will die,” the boy answered.

“That is ridiculous. There are thousands of miles of beach and millions of starfish. It doesn’t matter how many you throw in; you can’t make a difference.”

“It matters to this one,” the boy said as he threw another starfish into the waves. “And it matters to this one.”

2.The seasons of life (author also not known, contributed by teacher Edison Gumapac of Manga National High School). 

There was a man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn to not judge things too quickly. So he sent them each on a quest, in turn, to go and look at a pear tree that was a great distance away.

The first son went in the winter, the second in the spring, the third in summer, and the youngest son in the fall.

When they had all gone and come back, he called them together to describe what they had seen.

The first son said that the tree was ugly, bent, and twisted.

The second son said no – it was covered with green buds and full of promise.

The third son disagreed, he said it was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful, it was the most graceful thing he had ever seen.

The last son disagreed with all of them; he said it was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfilment.

The man then explained to his sons that they were all right, because they had each seen but one season in the tree’s life.

He told them that you cannot judge a tree, or a person, by only one season, and that the essence of who they are – and the pleasure, joy, and love that come from that life – can only be measured at the end, when all the seasons are up.

If you give up when it’s winter, you will miss the promise of your spring, the beauty of your summer, fulfilment of your fall.

Don’t judge a life by one difficult season. Don’t let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.

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The Pearl of Anda

Countless beaches are available throughout the Bohol province, so when the "The Doctor Is In" decided to hold its first out of town public health service last Saturday, they chose Anda. 

 "The Doctor Is In," the only phenomenal public health program hosted by Dr. Doloreich Dumaluan, was held in Anda Pearl Premier Resort.  

It’s a U-shaped cove with white sand and warm turquoise water. 

Situated in Virgen village, the Anda Pearl Primier Resort has 22 villas with a large swimming pool. 

The beach is rarely crowded, and popular activities here include kayaking and snorkeling. 

Thanks to Bohol 3rd district Rep. Alexie Besas-Tutor and Mayor Christopher Tutor for the warm hospitality!

Note: More of Anda Pearl Premier Resort and Anda town in the next issue. 

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The yummiest Ubi jam 

Ube halaya, also known as ube jam (ubi in Bohol!), is a Filipino dessert made from boiled and mashed ubi (purple yam) , milk, and butter. 

Thanks to the 21st Ubi Festival which  commenced last Saturday, February 27. 

The Ubi Festival is celebrated annually in recognition of the ubi growers across the province since 2000. 

Aside from ubi products and other agri-commodities, ornamental and flowering plants were also sold at the venue.
Wannabe chef Jessa Mae Jala shows her favorite ube jam. Her parents bought purple yams during the 21st Ubi Festival. Photo: Leo Udtohan

Dr. Larry Pamugas, acting provincial agriculturist, said Boholano farmers have produced  7.2 million kilos of yam this season from 1,200 hectares. 

The Ubi Festival is also a venue for educational fora to increase farm production.

Pamugas also emphasized the importance and impact of growing and yielding Ubi as a livelihood of the Boholanos, especially in alleviating hunger amid the pandemic.

He said his office encouraged farmers to plant yam while ubi tubers were given to at least 400 farmers who are members of Bohol Ubi Growers Association for a "plant now, pay later." 

Farmer Guillermo Lupas brought 400 kilograms of ubi (yam) to the exhibition site to sell it. 

Lupas, 58, started planting yam for 30 years. 

He said it was not difficult to sell his yam since farmers like him have to bring it at the site where buyers could buy for P70-P90 per kilo. 

"Dakog ikatabang (It's a big help)," Lupas said. 

There are various ways to prepare ube jam dessert but this recipe is the simplest and easiest to follow.

Ube Jam (Purple Yam Jam)


1 kilo uncooked purple yam

1 can condensed milk

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

200 grams butter

1 can evaporated milk

1 cup white sugar


Boil the purple yam until tender then mash or grate.

In a pot, melt butter then add the evaporated milk, condensed milk, sugar and vanilla extra. Stir constantly until well-combined.

Add the purple yam then stir until the texture of the mixture becomes really thick (about 15 to 20 minutes over low fire). You may also add a drop of food coloring (optional).

Transfer the mixture to a mold or any container and let the temperature cool down.

Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. Top with a dollop of butter when serving (optional).

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Thanks for your letters, all will be answered. Comments welcome at, follow leoudtohanINQ at Twitter /Facebook.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Sexy talk with 'Oppa' Christian James Memije

Christian James Memije on being sexy: 'Being intelligent is sexy.'

Korean celebrities are known not just for their incredible talent, but also for their seemingly everlasting youthful appearance, too. 

Since 20-year-old Christian James Memije trended in the modelling world, he has been compared to top Korean stars including The Heirs star Lee Min Ho.  

He is now, ehem, everybody's oppa! 

"I still have to get used to it, but I treat it as a compliment so it's pretty nice, I guess. I actually find it a bit funny sometimes, but I'm not gonna lie, I tend to feel "kilig" whenever someone calls me that," he said with a smile. 

Christian James' most recent photoshoot  for an ad campaign for TAN Patroller for Bohol's Next Top Model proves that he does resemble the South Korean superstar.

Undoubtedly, being an in-house model of The Art Nouveau Models and B&B Models Cebu is Christian James’ biggest break as a print and commercial model. 

Unknown to many, he was proclaimed best actor during the Cinestem Festival at University of San Carlos, many got noticed of his talent.  Then, he was proclaimed as Mr. Intramurals 2012 and Mr. SSG 2015.  To him, it was a great experience and a comfort zone.

What keeps him busy? "I am currently helping my parents manage their meatshops and also I play guitar whenever I’m bored." 

Since sexy is written all over him, what does he consider as the sexiest part of his body?

"My nose!" he said. 

Has the scorching hot model ever received an indecent proposal?

Fans have been saying that Christian James Memije has similarities to Korean actor Lee Min Ho. According to fans, they have this palpable resemblance especially when they smile.

“Yes,” he answered.

And how did he take it?

“Yes, I did receive a few of them before. However, I always make sure to be clear with my intentions ensuring that I am not into anything indecent."

Christian James stands 5’7”, weighs 127 lbs, has a 30-inch waistline, and wears medium shirts/briefs and size-9 shoes.

What is sexy to you? "Being intelligent is sexy."

Part of your body that you consider sexiest: "My nose."

Part of a woman's body that you find sexiest:  "Her smile." 

Singer with a sexiest voice: "Taylor Swift." 

Sexiest movie: "Attack on Titan."

Sexiest clothes: "Sweaters." 

Sexiest perfume: "Guess."

Sexiest time of the day: "Night time."

* * * 
Here's an interesting info from Janet Alo who hails from Baclayon town who is now  in London who got it from a friend, source unknown. 

"Plato said:

“Choose someone better than you as a partner. You don't need someone who loves you just the way you are. 

"You need someone to help you grow day by day.

"True love is admiration, so the partner you choose should have those qualities that you lack. 

"If the two of you are committed to helping each other grow, you will take the stormy periods of any relationship as opportunities for mutual growth.

"That is why the right person for you is not only the one who accepts you, but the one who makes you develop your maximum potential in this life. "

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Thanks for your letters, all will be answered. Comments welcome at, follow leoudtohanINQ at Twitter /Facebook.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Celebrate Valentine’s Day in a pandemic

Love is in the air, but unfortunately, so are COVID-19 and its worrisome variants. The safest way to celebrate Valentine's Day  is to stay at home.

COVID-19 Valentine's Day might not be so bad this year. In fact, it may actually be more memorable and special.


The pandemic reminds us that through thick and thin, strong relationships can withstand many hardships— including COVID-19 pandemic! 


Single?  Everyone knows it's been hard to be single during the pandemic. Being in a relationship is no good either.


LDR? Remember distance makes the heart grow fonder, but it also keeps you safer. 


Here are some "novel" ideas to make Valentine's Day 2021 a memorable one - for all the right reasons.


* Have a virtual dinner date.  


*Give her fresh flowers. Red rose has an impact! But for plantitos and plantitas,  instead of bouquet, cute plants will do! 


* Watch a Valentine's Day Movie. Use Netflix Party to watch a movie together synchronously.


*Stream a virtual concert. 


*Make chocolate cake. 


*Whip up breakfast in bed. 


* Watch the sunset at K of C! Perfect happiness is a beautiful sunset! 


*Go for a hike together. Couples who hike together stay together! Visit Landthai Hills and Chosun Mountain Resort in Guindulman to remember your love story. 

Valentine’s Day is probably going to be quite different from past years. Just remember,  love is universal.


*Make a virtual photo scrap book together. 


*Set a Facebook, Instagram and Twitter day to greet your loved ones. Send them personal messages. Allot some time to video chat with your lover. Hello Zoom! 


*Go online shopping. You can have practically any gift imaginable shipped right to your doorstep! Thank you, Shopee! 


*Face the world confidently with a beautiful heart! Visit Bohol's cosmetic surgeon Dr. April Lumuthang-Froilan of Touch of April General and Cosmetic SurgiCenter ( 4th floor, Lim Hong Khu Medical Arts and Wellness Center) and Dr. Armi Judy Piollo (3rd Floor, Tagbilaran Community Hospital). Use "LeoTheGreat" to get a 20% discount!  


* Try a new haircut and color! Visit Bebei Tagoctoc, EP Relampagos, Shandy Mission, Jonathan Ucat, Ramil Dolauta, Donna Vitos, Rolly Ingking and Ryan Sines.


* For those looking for a reason to dress up this Valentine's Day,  see Mikee Andrei,  EJ Relampagos, Charlow Arbasto,Omie Auza,  Maximiel, Aileen Pasagad, Kim Villamor, Christian Relator, Christian Bustrillos, Nikki Simporios, Ryan Sadudaquil, La'doie Aquino and Rose and Paul Ranara.


*Have a food trip. Visit Cafe Racer, Becca Cafe,  Marilou Resort, Figaro Coffee Company, Lantaw, Yoo's Panga, Bohol Bee Farm, Bring House and Gerarda's.


*Hit the beach for sun, sea and sand! Bohol just abounds with gorgeous beaches from north to south, east to west.


*The safest way to celebrate Valentine's Day  is to stay at home! 

*Read the Bible and Quran. Pray. 


Valentine’s Day is probably going to be quite different from past years. Just remember,  love is universal. We’re at the tail end of this pandemic. 


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Thanks for your letters, all will be answered. Comments welcome at, follow leoudtohanINQ at Twitter /Facebook.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

Tagna-Tagna 2021

Women empowerment: (From left) Incumbent Bohol 3rd district Rep. Alexie Tutor will seek re-election, Vanessa Aumentado will announce sooner if she will run, and former Carmen Mayor Conchita Toribio- Delos Reyes will run for mayor in Carmen. 

On the 12th day of 2021, Year of the White Metal Rat, your VRS is making a big “reveal” of what’s in store for our favorite Boholanos  in the next 12 months.  

As in the past years, your VRS based the following Tagna-Tagna not on a deck of tarot cards, enneagram or upon a crystal ball but on  juicy items and snippets from different soources and on social media. 

Now, more about the Metal Ox:  The Chinese New Year will start on February 12 2021 and will end on January 31, 2022.

The recent zodiac years of Ox sign are: 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033…An Ox year occurs every 12 years.

Astrologers said 2021 will be a better year for almost all Chinese zodiac signs who have had problems with money or career in 2020, a year dominated by disorders and the economic crisis.

2021 will make many people to be more prone to health-related issues, especially lung diseases.  If during 2020, many people have suffered from respiratory infections caused by a virus that has affected the world, this year, many people will more healthy and will enjoy their life to the fullest. 

Those born under the zodiac signs of rabbit, ox, tiger, horse, and rooster could expect a more favorable year. While those born in the years of the rat, boar, sheep, dog, dragon, and snake should brace themselves for more challenges.

Other Chinese zodiac signs will be asked to step up their efforts this year, but for the Ox, it’s time to reap the benefits of the cumulative efforts they’ve made year in, year out. 

This year also calls for the use of mental skills, in the detriment of brute force, in order to reduce aggression by using our common sense and wisdom strategy.

Lucky colors: Regarding clothes, the lucky colors in 2021 will be white, purple, blue and grey. To increase your luck, wear metal accessories.

But as tradition dictates, VRS is dishing out  his predictions for 2021. 
Xanu Angels, Xanu Boys and Ki-ki and Friends will create good music.

(Warning: As a "gentle" reminder (I may sound a broken record), these are all tagna tagna. Your VRS can’t/won’t tell who are those in the “blind items,” so please refrain from asking. Note: Last year, our “Tagna-Tagna” was 96 percent credible! Blush! Blush! Blush!) 

• Maria Vanessa Aumentado will run in the 2022 polls, if, and that is a big if. She will make a shocking announcement....sooner! 

• Incumbent 3rd district Rep. Alexie Tutor will seek re-election. Same for Bohol Governor Arthur Yap, Vice Gov. Rene Relampagos and 1st district Rep. Edgar Chatto. 

• Senior board member Victor Balite will run for vice governor! 
• Former youth leader Benjie Oliva will not run for mayor in Catigbian town. He has more energy to liase between provincial and national leaders. 

• The "missing" billionaire and former Carmen Mayor Conchita "Che-Che" Toribio-Delos Reyes will resurface with a big “surprise.” A VRS said she will run for mayor in Carmen, if, that is a big if, her supporters will agree with her decision. 

• Vanessa Cubrado will run for mayor in Pilar town after her mother, Mayor Necitas, will take her bow after completing her third term with flying colors.  

• It will be a good year for Misses Bohol Celina Villocino and Raclaire Stephan Trigo
 if they will join a national pageant.  
• With the bright trail paved by the likes of Achinette Villamor, Ted Ramasola, some of our Boholano indie makers will win awards in filmfests. 
Benjie Oliva will not run for mayor in Catigbian in 2022 polls. In photo shows Benjie conducted a land survey at Sto. Nino Parish Plaza in Barangay Baang, Catigbian  for its development with Councilor Oliver Oliva, Engr. Arnel Cabulao and his team. Arch. Nino Guidaben who designed the beautiful Catigbian Municipal Hall will provide the design and concept for the project subject to the approval of the Parish Pastoral Council.

• Xanu Angels, an all-female band in the province, and Xanu Boys, will release a top-rated song! 

• Ki-ki and Friends will make another hit song! 

• Reggae boyband Brownbuds will have a reunion after this pandemic. CenterStage band will release their debut album. 

• Beauty queen Pauline Amelinckx will make another history. Aim high, girl!

• Media influencer Willy Ramasola will make "shocking" revelations!!! He will make many "frenemies! 

• Fiscal Ingemar "Pinoy Aquaman" Macarine will not conquer the English Channel this year. He will conquer the English Channel, the "Mt. Everest" of all swims, in 2022, if not, in 2023. 


• The winner for Bohol Governor is….Drum roll please! The complete name has letters A, R and T.  Ooops! The crystal ball becomes blurred! He! He! He!
• Tagbilaran City has a new mayor. Clue? The complete name has letters J, A and N! 
Look, I didn’t say if a “he” or a “she”.  Ooops! The crystal ball becomes blurred! He! He! He!

•  A prominent family will be in the “limelight,” as their in-law will seek for a position.   

• Politicians will jump over the bakod! Many of them will feel the pain after they will discover betrayal from their political mates. Ouch, ouch, ooouch!!! 

• Some politicians will suffer from depression due to cyber bullying since campaign will be done online. 

• Scandals will rock the political scene. Some will try to get media mileage out of it. 

•  Many local radio programs will fade out and will be shortened to accomodate political ads. 

•  Some Boholanos will shine and bring honor to the country. No elaboration. 

•  A Boholana will make a name in the national pageant. Another Boholana beauty queen will have a hard time gaining back the confidence of the pageant organizer. 

• The "war" between supporters of Gov. Art Yap and supporters of 2nd district Rep. Aris Aumentado will continue to “sour” into highest level during election time. The feuds will continue as politicians will have mudslinging and character assassination. Trolls are coming!!!! 

• Two high-ranking officials will wage an ugly word war against each other on — Facebook.

• Controversies will rock an LGTBIQ+ association. 

•   A high-ranking official will be “removed,” or “axed” from office not that he’s not performing well his duties but because of “unseen” hands. 

•  Many Boholano vloggers and social media influencers will make names in socmed...and will earn millions!! Wow!!! 

• A Boholano will penetrate the movie industry. Then, another Boholana will be active in showbiz (again).

• Two politicians who were "best friends" but became "best enemies" will reconcile, let bygones be bygones, with no apologies for the ugly words that trailed their breakup.

•  A wedding of the son of a prominent family in Tagbilaran City will not  push through. Reasons?  Only the family of the groom knows.

• More businesses will slowly recover and some will declare bankruptcy as the pandemic continues. 

• A wife of a businessman will have problems with her philandering hubby. 

• A trusted aide de camp of a politician will be removed due to grave misconduct and illegal activities.

• New tourist destinations will emerge in Bohol.

• Bohol will be in the limelight for its beauty and wonder. Wow na Wow Bohol! 

• 2021 will have lots of surprises!!! Surprise?! 

Will the Year of the Metal Ox be lucky for you?

*   *   *

Thanks for your letters, all will be answered. Comments welcome at, follow leoudtohanINQ at Twitter /Facebook.

Saturday, January 30, 2021

The treasures of Vera

Vera Villocido as she turns 54: ' When you bargain to at least make it to 50! plus 4 is a bonus!'

"I don't feel 54!" says Vera Villocido, Wikipedia editor now the Marketing and Advertising Officer of  Holy Name University.
"A decade ago, I didn't think it was possible to make it to 50, " she laughed. 

Vera, or fondly called Chick by close friends and family, is an educator in Bohol and the United States. In 2010, she came home from her teaching post in the US. 

Her most treasured people?" My children- Josh Justin and Lux Julienne, Congressman Edgar Chatto, Rosalinda Paredes and Rev. Fr. Florante Camacho."

Her childhood treasures?  "The Sing Concert of Toti Fuentes in 1974 at DWCT Gym, Salingsing Alburanon (SANGA) Choir and piano recitals at Holy Spirit School."

On the occasion of her 54th birthday last Friday  (Jan. 29, 2021), Vera has 54 (actually, more!!!) good reasons to celebrate life.

1.Eldest daughter of PARO Nanong Villocido (+Justiniano Bolusa Villocido). 

2.Given the name Vera which means “truth” by her father.

3. Her baptism name is Valeria.

4. She loves Science! She finished BS Biology at University of the Philippines-Cebu. 

5. She also finished Bachelor of Science in Nursing at  Divine Word College-Tagbilaran  now Holy Name University. 

6. She holds an MA in Science Education. 

7. She has been a college instructor, high school science teacher and graduate school professor. 

7. She was Research Assistant at DWCT now HNU. 

8. She was one of the pioneers of the Bohol Poll trained by SWS. 

9. She was TWG on Environment of the USAID GOLD Project as alternate of Fr. Florante Camacho, SVD. 

10. She was one of the pioneer trainers in  Technology of Participation (ToP)

11. She has special training in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

12. She did a case study on the Tagbilaran City Dumpsite. 

13. She was an exchange teacher at the East Side Union High School District in San Jose, California in the United States of America. 

14. Her work at the East Side Cadet Academy allowed her to work with at-risk kids and give them a chance to get  a high school diploma. 

15. She petitioned for her to  family to join her in the US. 

16.  She took up continuing education courses at UC San Diego in United States of  America. 

17. She is the most prolific of the Filipino wikipedia editors (Pinay06). 

18. She is a trained paralegal in VAWC or Violence Against Women and Children. 

19. She is the past president of the Chocolate Hills Lady Jaycees. 

20. She has over twenty (20) years of experience in education, local governance and social development. 

21.  Her specialized  skills are in project management,  participatory processes and events, research, documentation, participatory local governance, social work and community community development. 

22. Her  consultancy assignments include The Asia Foundation as Project Coordinator of Turo Turismo. 

23. She managed the Tourism Senior High School Industry Linkage Program with the Bohol Association of Hotels Resorts and Restaurants (BAHRR)

24. She was the  coordinator of  the provincial and national launch of the Abot Alam program for Out of School Youth with DepEd.

25. She has also been the area coordinator of Synergeia Foundation in Bohol. 

26. She implemented the USAID-funded Hugpong sa Pagbangon Project. 

27. She was the documentation consultant of Provincial Road Management Facility of AusAid. 

Vera Villocido: 'This is my 54th birthday celebration - sand, sea and mangroves.'

28.She was also the documentation consultant/training officer of Metrocentre Hotel, South Palms Resort and BAHRR in the Industry SkillsGrant Scheme of the DOT-ADB-Canada Technical Assistance Project on Improving Competitiveness in Tourism in the Philippines. 

29. She was a high school science teacher at the East Side Union High School District in San Jose California from 2001. 

30. She was a college instructor at the Divine Word College of Tagbilaran now Holy Name University from 1992 - 2001. 

31. She was high school teacher at Holy Spirit School of Tagbilaran (1987-1988). 

32. Vera completed her degree in B.S. Biology from the University of the Philippines. 

33.She was one of the little children in "The Sing Concert" of Toti Fuentes in 1974 at the DWCT Gym. 

34. She did a cameo role as Bibiana in the stage play  "Teatro Porvenir"- the Life and Times of Andres Bonifacio as a playwriter. 

35. She has over twenty (20) years of experience in education, local governance and social development. 

36. Her specialized  skills are in project management,  participatory processes and events, research, documentation, participatory local governance, social work and community community development. 

37. Her  consultancy assignments include The Asia Foundation as Project Coordinator of Turo Turismo. 

38. She managed the Tourism Senior High School Industry Linkage Program with the Bohol Association of Hotels Resorts and Restaurants (BAHRR). 

39.She was the coordinator of  the provincial and national launch of the Abot Alam program for Out of School Youth with Department of Education. 

40. She reads all of Robert Ludlum, Tom Clancy and John Grisham. 

41.She implemented the USAID-funded Hugpong sa Pagbangon Project. 

42. She plays the piano and organ. 

43. She loves to sing minus one and karaoke. 

44. She listens to Bukas Palad Ministry, UP MADZ and Chorus Paulinus choirs. 

45. She loves the religous songs of Don Moen and Fr. Arnold Zamora. 

46. She designs using Canva. 

47. She makes vidoes using Quik and Filmora Go. 

48. She has mastered facilitating zoom events. 

49. She manages at least four Facebook pages. 

50. She is admin of at least 5 Facebook Groups. 

51. She is the Wikipedia writer/ major editor of all SVD schools in the Philippines. 

52. She started almost all stubs of Wikipedia articles of Bohol. 

53. She owns Beautiful Hearts Consultancy Services. 

54. She is a survivor of CHF and cardiomyopathy. 

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Thanks for your letters, all will be answered. Comments welcome at, follow leoudtohanINQ at Twitter /Facebook/Instagram.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Sexy Talk with Veegee, Amanda & Andrew

Veegee Doria on being sexy: 'Sexy is simply being confident on how you project your body.' Photo:  Mac Gaso/ Mac Gaso Photography and Kanike Padilla/Kanike Photography 

Veegee Doria, Amanda Noriega and Andrew Baker have many things in common: students, print and commercial models managed by The Art Nouveau (TAN) Models, and campus pageant winners. 
They have dominated headlines in the past years winning in modeling searches and campus pageants —  young personalities in the province ready to rise to the next level. 

Veegee, 19, was crowned Miss Sevilla Bentig 2017 and Miss Holy Name University (HNU) Intramurals 2018. 

"I want to become  a successful person and to inspire other people," Veegee said. 

Amanda, 15, made waves in 2018 as Miss Pearl Bahrain fourth placer.  Despite being relatively new to modeling, she is a sought-after TAN model. 

If you're an avid fan of Mister and Miss University of Bohol, you may recognize Andrew, 19, as Mister UB 2019.  But it was his being a TAN model that catapulted Andrew to "stardom."

"I wanna be a pilot or a professional host," Andrew said. 

Asked why Veegee, Amanda and Andrew will still be rising "stars" in accordance with their already-thriving careers or talent potential, TAN manager Roger Ryan "Khim" Magtagad told VRS, “Aside of being handsome, beautiful and smart, they are hardworking and dedicated. They are now making their names and soon will conquer the stage."

Andrew Baker on being sexy: 'Sexy is how a being flare with his/her worked out body with daring poses and techniques.' Photo: Mac Gaso/Mac Gaso Photography and Kanike Padilla/ Kanike Photography 

Khim added," “Because of their personalities and passion, I have seen and observed that they are all dedicated and willing to learn and grow."

Since Veegee, Amanda and Andrew are on sexy mode, VRS let them answer a few “sexy” questions.

What is sexy to you?
Veegee: "Sexy is simply being confident on how you project your body." 
Amanda: "Sexy is about how you show up in the world with full of confidence." 
Andrew: "Sexy is how a being flare with his/her worked out body with daring poses and techniques." 

What makes you feel sexy?
Veegee: "I chose not to feel insecure about my body." 
Amanda: "Everytime I workout, I feel sexier." 
Andrew: "Through my outfits and worked out body." 

Sexiest part of your body.
Veegee: "My eyes."
Amanda: "My hips." 
Andrew: "Probably, thighs or chest." 

Amanda Noriega on being sexy: 'Sexy is about how you show up in the world with full of confidence.' Photo: Mac Gaso/ Mac Gaso Photography and Kanike Padilla/Kanike Photography

Part of a man's body that you find sexiest - Veegee: "A man's smile." 
Amanda: "His fierce look."

Part of a woman's body that you find sexiest:
Andrew: "Details on a woman's neck, shoulders and chest."

Singer with a sexiest voice. 
Veegee: "Dua Lipa." 
Amanda:"Michael Buble." 
Andrew: "Billie Eilish." 

Sexiest movie. 
Veegee: "50 Shades of Grey." 
Amanda: "The Pursuit of Happynes." 
Andrew: "50 Shades of Grey." 

Sexiest clothes. 
Veegee: "Long Gowns." 
Amanda: "Long dress." 
Andrew: "For boys, Oversized open chest polos. For girls, body fit dresses." 

Sexiest perfume. 
Veegee: "Vanilla scented perfumes." 
Amanda: "Oil perfume." 

Sexiest time of the day. 
Veegee: "Dawn." 
Amanda: "Night."
Andrew: "I prefer the night." 

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